Saturday, August 24, 2013


I took Charm out today for her first post-not-broken-coffin-bone-stall-rest-vacation-scam ride. I was tagging along a novice trail ride, expecting the worst. To my great surprise, Charm was, well, absolutely CHARMING! She was actually perfect – she seemed happy to go out, barely tried for a
grass-grab, and when the others got a bit in front of her, she didn’t seem interested at all in trying to rush to catch up. Nor did she get cranky and do her stubborn turn-around thing like she sometimes does. I actually wondered if it was my horse I was riding. So when I got back and was asked how she was, I said, “Perfect” but in my mind I was thinking “Perfect, pu pu pu.”

What’s the “pu pu pu” about? It’s a Jewish superstition thing that if you grow up with a Jewish mother you can’t help picking up. Here’s how someone on the “Raising Kvell” website described it:
“It’s short for ‘Bli ayin hara pu pu pu,’ which essentially translates as: ‘There should be no evil eye spit spit spit.’ Its Yiddish cousin is ‘keynahora.’” If you saw the move, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, they spit to ward off evil spirits – same kinda thing. An anti-jinx maneuver.

So Charm was great today, keynahora. Let’s hope it continues, pu pu pu.

Oh and shout and special thanks to Gran Jeanne for the bushels of carrots for Charm and friends.

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