Google research, the fetus would be viable if born now. Whew! Charm is really getting LARGE, which is either the foal getting bigger or the 24/7 hay. (Or the pumpkin bread from Starbucks that she loves so much.) We can feel the foal moving and on the last sonogram he/she actually winked at us. Winky?
So when can we expect the foal and what's the plan? Apparently mares are not always cooperative in scheduling delivery to coincide with predictions. (Imagine that.) Most foals are born between 320 and 350 days. We hope to see signs of impending delivery -- bagging (filing up) of the udder, restlessness, packing an overnight bag and cursing at the baby daddy -- so that we can be there for the big event. My guess is Charm will fool us and do her thing quietly by herself. We are installing a camera so if we're not there in person, at least we can go to the videotape. And no, if it's a boy, there will NOT be a bris.
To celebrate the anticipated birth, we are having a ladies-only baby shower for Charm on 3/22. Silly, yes, but hey, it's original! If you're a fan of the blog, feel free to stop by Golden Gait Stables between 12 and 2 pm. Food, games, and party favors ... and of course a photo op with Charm!
And by the way, Charm's baby is not the only cause for celebration. Jordan turned 18 on 2/10 and a few days later, he was accepted to UF! Go Gators! We're very proud of him and we know he will have a great experience in Gainesville.
Big events, exciting times, and wonderful friends and family to share it all with. Life is good, and I am grateful.
And finally, just a little plug for Green Motion Tours. I finally got out there on the Segway tour of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Everglades Habitat. Wow, it's awesome. We saw so many birds, gators, and even a coyote. It's really special -- check it out.
Stay tuned for THE BIG NEWS....
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